One of the most frequently asked questions about wall design and picture selection is, “How does one begin the process”? Blank walls can be intimidating as a mistake means patching the holes. I suggest using the analogy of the theater stage as a starting point. On the stage, the star has the most lines, is spot lit and occupies the place of most importance. The supporting cast is just that, supporting. They reinforce and add to the star’s story without stealing the spotlight.Treating your room as the stage, first select the star of your walls and position it so that is is on the most important visual wall in the room. This will provide the theme, color, scale and framing style for the supporting cast of art. Remember, the supporting cast’s purpose is to complete the story of the star and not to compete for the attention of the viewer. Too many stars on your stage will create visual schizophrenia and the viewer will be distracted rather than entertained.

All Pictures are ActorsIn this example a grouping of family  portraits is the star. You may not have selected all the art you would like for the room, but start with the star and find the others based on how it makes the room “feel”. This approach will give you a plan to make future art acquisitions much easier.

I hope this concept has made wall design easier and more straightforward for you. Happy Hanging!

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