Visionary Artist Ray Evans

Friday, February 28, Ray Evans brings to Mulberry Gallery an art exhibit with the title “Enchantment Under the Sea”. He calls himself a Visionary Artist. And that he is. He sees life as a place where spirituality and nature merge in a surrealistic creation of beauty. As the world fills him with awe and wonder,  he drags his pencil or brush across paper or fabric and watches his visions take place.

Walking up the steps to his home/studio one can see what Ray collects from his environment before he paints. To the right of his doorway is an assemblage of driftwood and feathers and dried seaweed. Lo and behold, it’s really a pelican! It’s flying across the wall in feathered fantasy! And then, upon entering the living room, pelicans grace the walls again. This time they have been painted on fabric with a batik background, swirling water has been added, and the entire vision is presented on a metallic surface.

“Enchantment Under the Sea” is a gift for us to see and experience. While Ray sees himself as a vessel emanating the love and energy from a higher source, he invites the rest of us to join him with an open heart and watch the amazing unfolding of his visions of fluttering flowers, swirling fish, birds in flight and a place of wonder and beauty beyond thought.


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