Christianna Hunnicutt – Artist

When asked what she sees in the world of her art, Christianna Hunnicutt will say, “Landscapes, I am always evolving within a landscape”. She is renowned for her figurative ceramic sculptures. To Christianna, “Figures in landscapes, landscapes in figures.”

Not too long ago, Christianna came upon a cell phone on one of her walks, smashed and trashed. She took the phone apart and began an entirely new journey with her art. The phone components inspired new landscapes for her. She began placing the phone components into natural landscapes and urban environments.

Now, once again, she turns her attention back to her figurative studies. This time she remains in two dimensional mode, rather than sculpture. She has created another new world for us to experience. It is filled with the landscapes she sees in today’s female population; sometimes in shadow, sometimes in a dance of celebration. The figures have grown from her earlier life drawings and sculptures. She has come full circle.

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