Abstractions of Color

How Color Effects Spaces

Abstract Art speaks emotionally in color. Watch as the colors of Owen’s Art on the Edge take you for a journey. We’ll explore with his current favorite colors of expression in blue, green and red mixed with a base of black or white. We believe these artistic expressions will ultimately enhance the way we feel in the living spaces of our homes and offices.

Follow the Moods of Blue, Green and Red

In general, blue projects cool and calming feelings. Blue encourages mental control, clarity and creativity. In contrast, red is associated with vitality and ambition. It can help overcome negative thoughts yet it can also connect with anger. It holds great emotional power. And then we have green. Green tends to connects us with nature. It helps to connect with empathy to others in the natural world. It creates a feeling of comfort, relaxation and sometimes a bit of a laziness.

Owen adds elements of white and black to all of his work. White inspires greater awareness and insight to our lives. In contrast, black desires to control without relinquishing personal power. Let’s put these colors into our interiors and see what happens.


How Color Affects Office Space

Here we have a private contemplative office space. The simple lines of table, chairs and background ledge do not distract. The colors of each art piece have a different influence. The black in all of the art connotes a bit of mystery and offers protection from the main color. The soothing of the blue art connects with the natural green in the chairs and the calmness of the violet of the copper table. While the green abstraction invites comfort and relaxation, it also jolts us with bits of red and cloaks us with the mystery of black. The red circle is a whirl of energy.We want to move.

How Blue, Green and Red Change the Same Office Space


How Color Affects Living Rooms

Here we have a landing spot on a console table in a living room. A camera suggests the adventure of travel.  Depending on how you feel in this space, the blue calms, the green gives a variety of comfort, mystery and movement from the red. The red circle just moves.

Three Colors Influence Three Different Attitudes


How Color Affects Interiors

This last interior invites conversation and contemplation with its minimalist design. The colors dictate the mood with the calm of blue, the influences of red and black mixed into the natural green and our dear red whirling abstract provokes energy.

Three Colors and Three Conversations


Final Thoughts

We hope these examples of color abstractions with their emotional expressions will help guide our visitors Living with Art. Check out the Abstract Art in our shop. There are wonderful opportunities to enhance the way we feel in our homes.


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